谁是Andrew tate

Quran! What a tit! Why is he living in Romania anyway!

Good question

When asked the question on The Fellas Podcast, Andrew Tate said that he chose to live in Romania because “Western society is degraded […] and more corrupt.” Tate went on to explain that there was something about the Western world that angered him.

thoughts ??

专业不对口啊!就像有的人说吃是长项, 要他谈文化谈历史就勉为其难, 这个andrew傻瓜应该专注于炫富贴豪车, 要是谈什么主义就贻笑大方了。像这样的傻逼, 当谈不出什么的时候, 当然就拉经文充大旗啦
