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Once upon a time, in a land full of natural wonders, there was a little boy named Tom who loved to ask questions. He was a bit naughty at times, but his parents loved him dearly.

Recently, Tom had noticed that he had a regular habit of being naughty, and he wanted to change that. Occasionally, he would try his best to behave, but he found it difficult to remember all the time.

Often, his mother would speak to him about the importance of being a good boy and would give him a sentence to remember, “Naughty behavior is the opposite of good behavior.” Tom knew that if he wanted to be a special and well-behaved boy, he needed to separate himself from his ordinary and sometimes peculiar behavior.

One day, Tom’s father had a particular surprise for him. He promised to take Tom on a straight road trip to a place he had never been before. Tom was very excited and looked forward to the journey with great interest.

Perhaps they would even come across some strange potatoes or encounter various women on their trip. Tom’s father told him that they might face some pressure along the way, but they could handle it together.

Tom possessed a great strength that he didn’t even know he had, and therefore, he was capable of handling anything that came his way. Though it was possible that they might face some accidents on the road, Tom promised himself that he would stay calm and thought carefully before acting.

As they drove along, they noticed the beauty of the natural surroundings, and Tom’s father began to teach him about the different trees, fruits, and plants they saw.

Accidentally, they took the wrong turn and ended up in a different town. Tom’s father considered turning back, but Tom suggested that they continue the journey and explore the new place.

They arrived at a library where Tom was fascinated by the vast amount of knowledge that surrounded him. He discovered many books that discussed different topics such as grammar, history, and even exercise.

Tom’s father decided that it was time to head back home, and as they were leaving, Tom felt a strange sense of belonging in the new town. Though they only spent a quarter of a day in the new town, Tom knew that he would never forget the experience.

As they arrived back home, Tom’s mother was waiting for them with a plate full of delicious potatoes. She was happy to see that Tom had continued to behave well and praised him for his efforts.

Tom felt a sense of accomplishment and purpose knowing that he had successfully completed a long road trip, and he couldn’t wait to go on another one. From that day on, Tom decided that he would continue to be a good boy, and he wouldn’t let anyone or anything get in the way of his journey.

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这是一个数学上应用,一开始娃不会,来问我,我也卡住了,于是祭出ChatGPT,感觉解数学题是ChatGPT的强项,还可以给讲解work out,以后习题册不用买答案了。

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再来一个数学的,点黑框击右上角的copy code,可以把竖式复制下来

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万能的GPT, 是不是你主要负责教会娃怎么使用GPT就行了:face_with_hand_over_mouth:


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Sure, here’s a mock verbal reasoning test for the 11+ exam:

Section 1 - Vocabulary

  1. Choose the word that means the opposite of “generous”: A) Greedy B) Kind C) Selfish D) Thoughtful
  2. Which word means the same as “famous”: A) Infamous B) Notorious C) Popular D) Infrequent
  3. Choose the word that means the opposite of “brave”: A) Bold B) Courageous C) Fearful D) Reckless
  4. Which word means the same as “honest”: A) Dishonest B) Loyal C) Sincere D) Unreliable
  5. Choose the word that means the opposite of “cruel”: A) Brutal B) Heartless C) Kind D) Merciless

Section 2 - Verbal Reasoning

Directions: Choose the word that best completes the analogy.

  1. Light is to bright as sound is to: A) Loud B) Soft C) Muffled D) Dim
  2. Nurse is to hospital as teacher is to: A) Classroom B) Playground C) Library D) Gymnasium
  3. Cow is to moo as bird is to: A) Tweet B) Quack C) Chirp D) Bark
  4. Knife is to cut as hammer is to: A) Build B) Smash C) Paint D) Measure
  5. Student is to school as athlete is to: A) Stadium B) Field C) Court D) Arena

Good luck with your exam preparation!


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