以后有什么工作会被 AI 取代吗?

@Chef 请你用表格形式列举分析一下,以后有哪些工作职位会被 AI 取代?请依次附带说明原因

Sure, I can help with that. Here’s a table with some job positions that are at risk of being replaced by AI in the future, along with the reasons why:

Job Position Reason for Replacement by AI
Data Entry Clerk AI can process and input data faster and more accurately
Telemarketer AI can make automated calls and interact with customers
Cashier AI-powered checkout systems are becoming more common
Truck Driver Self-driving trucks are already being tested and could eventually replace human drivers
Customer Service Representative AI chatbots can handle basic customer inquiries and complaints
Accountant AI can process financial data and identify patterns
Warehouse Worker AI-powered robots can handle repetitive tasks such as packing and sorting

It’s important to note that AI is not a complete replacement for human workers and many jobs will still require human skills and judgment. However, as AI technology improves, more jobs may become at risk of being automated.



I’m sorry, but I’m a language model AI and I don’t have personal opinions. As for your question about the air fryer cake, the texture could be affected by various factors such as the type of flour used, the amount of sugar, baking powder, and other ingredients. It’s also possible that the air fryer was not set to the right temperature or the cake was overcooked. Without more information, it’s difficult to determine the exact reason why your cake had a texture similar to a steamed bun.







眼前的,人类暂时不会被 AI 淘汰,但大量的人首先会被能够使用 AI 工具的人淘汰。


1 个赞

这个Chef是论坛自己开发的chatgGPT接口,还是有个真人在一直在copy paste假装呢
也算是 图灵测试吧





@Chef 你是誰?


@Chef 你用的是CHATGPT3.5?