请教如何准备cognitive ability tests

请教如何准备cognitive ability tests
大娃y6 ,接到录取她的high school通知六月底要参加cognitive ability tests 。请教有经验的爸爸妈妈们如何准备?需要注意些什么?求推荐资料。

1 个赞

不懂,帮问 @chef

I’m sorry, but I am not sure what you are referring to. Could you please clarify your question or concern?


Thank you for clarifying. To prepare for cognitive ability tests, it is important to practice with past papers or practice tests, especially in the areas of verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, and mathematical reasoning. There are also many online resources and books available for practice and preparation. It is important to remain calm and well-rested before the test, and to read and follow all instructions carefully.

For the SATs, I recommend reviewing basic concepts in math and English, and again, practicing with past papers or practice tests. There are many books, websites, and apps available for SAT preparation, so it is important to research and find the resources that work best for your child’s learning style. Good luck to your child in their upcoming tests!

在哪里找past papers 和 practice tests?

Past papers and practice tests can be found online or in preparation books. Here are some websites where you can find past papers and practice tests for cognitive ability tests and SATs:

You can also check with your child’s school to see if they have any resources or practice test materials available.


Certainly! Here are some online resources and books that can be useful for practicing cognitive ability and SAT tests:

Cognitive Ability:


Books for Cognitive Ability:

  • “The Ultimate Guide to Your Child’s 11+ and Common Entrance Exam” by Susan Daughtrey
  • “Bond 11+ Test Papers Non-verbal Reasoning Standard Pack 1” by Bond
  • “11+ Verbal Reasoning Rapid Tests Book 1: Quick-fire questions with multiple choice answers for timed practice” by Letts

Books for SAT:

  • “The Official SAT Study Guide, 2020 Edition” by The College Board
  • “McGraw-Hill Education SAT 2021” by Christopher Black and Mark Anestis
  • “Barron’s SAT, 29th Edition” by Sharon Weiner Green and Ira K. Wolf

I hope this helps!

你这个是私校吗? 我认识很多私校入学要考这个CAT


我个人其实觉得没有必要弄培训,你如果非要要个培训,我可以帮你找那个G 开头的中介,估计要1000人民币,但是真心没必要


我之前有个客户说找G 辅导的,花了1000,但是我个人觉得没啥必要


神兽被你训得服服帖帖 :grinning:

1 个赞

目前集中火力攻sats, 等考完sats 就5月10号左右了,马上就是school trip一周,回来half term scout camp 又是一周,这就6月4号了。满打满算只有20来天准备时间。。。。。。。太苦了,得烤焦。都是上个月才知道要考cat的。sats开学时被学校老师灌迷魂汤说学校会准备好一切,每个娃都稳过,大娃也一直top group 我就没上心。最近才发现,妈呀,什么top group 啊,尤其是数学简直稀里糊涂一团糟好吧。这么短时间tution也来不及了,也不敢冒险,万一不好浪费不起这个时间,所以自己上。
同学邀请生日趴已经婉拒了。scout 露营也不想她去的,但是y4妹妹会去不能要她一个人不去,也不能因为姐姐要考试妹妹也不能去,主要我之前同意了可以去。唉。。。。今晚试试做下思想工作不去露营,就妹妹一个人去。。。。。


所以对y6 老师挺失望的,我好好一个孩子咋临考了成绩越来越差了呢?你不是说会get ready 吗?我问娃为啥啥都不会了呢?她就说学了忘了。我理解就是题刷少了。

CAT 考试这个不是常识吗? YEAR 6 的那个老师没说?

你孩子考啥学校啊?CAT4很容易,基本就是一个测试,不同年龄组题目也不一样,跟VR/NVR差不多但要简单不少。我儿子1月份刚考过某私校CAT4很简单, offer也拿到了不过我们拒了。你要刷题的话,很多网站也有免费的测试的,可以试一下。

what are cognitive ability tests?
and what are the tests for?