Nationwide launches 8% saving account

Members can save up to £200 per calendar month in Nationwide’s new online-managed savings account, which allows up to three withdrawals. regular saver paying 8 % interest.

I just opened one. put £200 every month,
after one year will be £2500. (£2400 + £100 interest)

and also £200 switching offer.

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算错了,8% 只基于第一个月 £200,then 第二个月基于 £400。这不是基于 2400 块钱的 8%

这个模式下,end of 12 month 拿到的是 £2497.47,也就是说,整体利率只有 4.06%

现在 HSBC 给 5.7% 一年定期,无存款上限!!!

不过话说回来,switching offer 可以考虑

1 个赞


巴克莱这个也不错,isa5.5%,还免税,准备go for this one了。

我也选了这个,不是premier, 5.45%

WHAT!? 数学好复习。上当了 :sob:

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